
General Chair

Wendy Hall
University of Southampton

Programme Chairs

Pauline Leonard
University of Southampton

Emilio Ferrara
University of Southern California

Workshop Chairs

Oshani Seneviratne
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Silke Roth
University of Southampton

Presentation Chair

Fred Morstatter
University of Southern California

Co-Presentation Chair

Kenny Joseph
University at Buffalo

PhD Symposium Chairs

Mark Weal
University of Southampton

Hemant Purohit
George Mason University

Proceedings Chair

Luis-Daniel Ibanez
University of Southampton

Marketing Chair

Lisa Harris
University of Exeter

Local Organising Committee

Susan Davies
Conference Manager

Charlotte Foster
Conference Assistant

Simon Jonsson
Website Manager

Manuel Leon-Urrutia
Production Manager

Tim O’Riordan
Technical Lead

Clare Walsh
Social Events

E.A. Draffan